Rhode Island Veterinary Technician AssociationConnecting Technicians in the Ocean StateLOG IN TO SEE ANNOUNCEMENTS IN THE MEMBERS ONLY AREAForgot your Username?Need to Reset Your Password?Membership Lapsed and having trouble getting in to your profile? Reach out to us at [email protected] ASAP!!Our Mission:The Rhode Island Veterinary Technician Association, a non-profit organization, aims to advance and elevate the veterinary technology profession through education, advocacy, and collaboration. Committed to the well-being of animals and the enhancement of veterinary healthcare, our association strives to empower veterinary technicians with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to provide exceptional care while preserving the human-animal bond. Our Purpose & Objectives:
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Join Today!RIVTA wants to update RI Veterinary Practice Act!RIVTA is working in partnership with the RI Veterinary Medical Association (RIVMA) to assess the wants of the Veterinary Community in RI in regards to the credentialing of veterinary technicians. Both organizations have come together to form the RIVMA/RIVTA Committee on Veterinary Technician Advancement and Utilization. The Committee formulated and distributed a survey to RIVMA and RIVTA members in September of 2023, and will meet soon to discuss the results and next steps. Keep an eye on the RIVTA Newsletter for updates. Until then, check out A History of Licensure, written by Nicholas Raimondi, CVT, to better understand why establishing better guidelines will help our patients and profession, learn more about title protection on the Vet Tech Colleges Blog. Read A History of LicensureWhat is Title Protection?